Making Dreams Come True

Caroline Carrington
Founder & CEO
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Caroline Carrington is a Certified NeoTantra Educator and pleasure & intimacy expert inspiring people to live empowered lives across the US and around the world. She is the Founder of Sarasa Tantra and carries the dream of this lineage to expand people’s experience of pleasure, intimacy and connection through relationships, energy play and dynamic and erotic meditation. Caroline is passionate about walking NeoTantra out of the bedroom and into the world and has taught about the benefits of sexual healing and trauma at Kaiser Permanente. She has had the privilege of studying Somatic Experiencing with a variety of teachers including the creator, Peter Levine to expand her capacity to support trauma survivors. Caroline deepened her connection to kink and gender inclusivity during the Urban Tantra Professional Training with Barbara Carrellas. She is blessed to have been on spiritual pilgrimage to India with Gina Sala to study Nada Yoga, the Tantra of Sound, as well as with classical Tantrika and Sanskrit scholar Dr Vajish Shastra-ji in Varanasi. Caroline studied Tantra Yoga with Pedro Franco who uses yoga postures and breathwork as a focal point for his teaching. She has spent years practicing Bhakti yoga, the yoga of devotion studying with Deva Premal and Miten, Jai Uttal and Krishna Das and uses mantra as part of her daily meditation practice. She carries mantras on her lips and in her heart wherever she goes. For the past 4 years, Caroline has been studying more subtle forms of energy practice and attachment healing with Norma Ramos-Ott.
Caroline is available for private sessions, workshops, deep dive retreats and is committed to training teachers and mentoring NeoTantric practitioners with high levels of integrity.